About Me

What inspired the work?

Have you ever gazed into the mirror and realized the person looking back wasn’t you?

The amazing thing about life is sometimes you don't know you're not living it. In 2019, I was functionally dysfunctional. Awakening from an abusive relationship, the fragments of my life lay like shattered pieces of glass. Yet, shortly before, I appeared to be at the pinnacle of my career. Having worked for 3 of the top 4 firms in my field in the country, I achieved my goal of landing a management position with the fourth firm. When I interviewed, they didn't have a job available so, they made one. While professionally, everything was falling into place, personally, my life was a train wreck. Not unlike an earlier period in my life, I was unprepared for success. Failing upward, the drop from that great distance would be crushing.

The landscape of life can be perilous to cross if you don't have the right guide or the proper guideposts. I had a deep-seated belief there was more. My life was meant for more than the sum of my experiences. The challenge was to find out what constituted more and how to get to it. It always seemed just within reach. What was stopping me from grabbing it? This question launched my expedition into taking inventory of my life. What I discovered, while shocking, led to my exodus.

You are an overcomer - "More" Than a Conqueror! "You can come back from anything." #MTAC

Everybody has a story. Some are wonderful; some not so much. Mine has been told a thousand times. Certainly, others have endured greater suffering. Through the pages of this book I hope to shine greater enlightenment on an age-old tale. I found myself starting life after having lived half of it shrouded in darkness. Starting life after discovering a missing part that kept me forever being “formed” but never “developed”. I lived half my life without knowing that half of that was lost, almost unrecoverable. Leaving me unaware of who I really was. Preventing me from arriving at my destiny.

Your future is up to you — not whoever touched you.”

Me and Dr. Jakes Hearers

Late starts, however, have benefits. Like cliff notes, you cut through the chase and get right down to business. Your gained experiences result in wisdom from which you can build a proper infrastructure. You stop fighting against the truth and accept the brevity of where you are. You’re desperate to get it right because you are afraid this is your last chance and a misstep could mean all of your potential dies without ever being realized. A hard head makes a soft behind it is said. But you’re done making your bed hard. At this juncture in your life, you want to know why you’ve always chosen the hard way. The hard way has become too hard. If you continue down roads with falling boulders, you will be crushed. While you may think, you alone are affected by your decisions, think again. Within you are nations whose death toll will mount from those boulders.

Although life takes us through valleys of deepest darkness—we will not be conquered by fear because fear is already defeated! As we walk out of those dark valleys, we frequently come to the same conclusion as others. It is why two people can have a similar revelation about the same topic and then arrive at the same conclusion, word for word. I was writing this book when I heard a famous preacher named Dr. Jakes say what I was writing, “Your future is up to you — not whoever touched you.”

About Me

Ruth Roman is the girl next door, your sister, or perhaps even you. An ordinary person less all the credentialing fluff found in the bio section of books or in the "About Me" area on websites. She's overcome tremendous adversity. And her desire is to help others overcome as well. Her motto is, "You can come back from anything!"
Ruth Roman

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